A lot of big things are happening lately:
We had our first anniversary, I can't believe it has been a year! We actually had to work/pack up on that day so we post-poned our celebration until after my surgery.
We moved home to Logan, we returned to a nasty apartment that took us forever to clean, but otherwise we are so happy to be home! Ohio was really interesting. Toledo, like down town was quite scary. I was scared to walk around and even drive in a car. There is a lot of crime and poverty. It's sad to see. It's a really different experience to see when you have lived in Utah your whole life. Probably a third of the houses are deserted, burned down, or falling down.
I get surgery tomorrow morning, I'm actually pretty excited to get this bump out of my neck because it puts a lot of pressure on my throat and it looks pretty gnarly.
My brother leaves on a mission Sept 28th
My sister gets home from her mission Oct 20th
My husband and I made a beautiful fabric headboard.. I'll post pictures soon!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Monday, August 1, 2011
Well I got my biopsy two weeks ago and its not cancerous! They had to stick a needle in my neck a few times to retract the fluid, and I totally had a slight seizure and passed out. When I came to I had no idea where I was or what was happening. My dad said he has seen nothing like it. So - I don't want to go through that again. The doc still wants to take it out, along with half my thyroid. I have been trying everything I can to have it shrink, and it seems to actually get bigger. Which is sad. So my surgery is scheduled for Sept 3.
Anyway I have been in lake Powell for a week with my family and I am moving OHIO tomorrow! I'm excited to see my hubby. I'm wondering how Ohio will be living there because Minnesota was so great.
Anyway I have been in lake Powell for a week with my family and I am moving OHIO tomorrow! I'm excited to see my hubby. I'm wondering how Ohio will be living there because Minnesota was so great.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
On the road again..
We were able to go to Duluth a couple weekends ago and it was beautiful! Us girls went to the Glensheen haunted mansion (well I like to call it haunted because two people were murdered there) but it was so beautiful and big! We walked around the beautiful coast, and went to the harbor and watched a huge boat come in. It was a perfect place for a get away. Our office had some problems with licencing and other things so they decided to have us move to Toledo, Ohio. Well a few days before we were moving to Ohio a huge lump popped up on my neck. Since our insurance doesn't cover outside of Utah, I had to drive back with Cystal and Kynzie to get it checked out. It was a long drive (20 hours) but it flew by! I am so proud of us girls. So now I'm back in Utah, just chilling, looking for things to do.
Well I ended up going to a nose ears and throat doctor and I found out that I have a cyst inside 4 cm big cyst, in my thyroid. So its pretty big. Monday they are doing a biopsy on it and then sending it to get it tested to see if its cancerous. He said he is not to worried about it and its a low chance of it being cancerous. So I'm not to worried. BUT if its not cancerous, I need it removed since it is so big it is pushing everything out of place and making it hard to swallow. So they would have to take out the cysts and half of my thyroid (which kinda worries me) That means ANOTHER surgery. And anyone who knows me - knows don't do well with that.
Well anyway I'm home for the time being until I get things figured out. Already missing my husband and Minnesota. Minnesota is just beautiful and fun, and there are just so many things to do. I'm sad I'm gone. I'm missing the billions of huge, green trees, the baby rabbits, the city, the turtles, the walks, wildflowers, lakes, gardens, beaches, Mall of America, and the best restaurants. Hopefully we can go back one day.
(I'll add some pics as soon as I can)
Well I ended up going to a nose ears and throat doctor and I found out that I have a cyst inside 4 cm big cyst, in my thyroid. So its pretty big. Monday they are doing a biopsy on it and then sending it to get it tested to see if its cancerous. He said he is not to worried about it and its a low chance of it being cancerous. So I'm not to worried. BUT if its not cancerous, I need it removed since it is so big it is pushing everything out of place and making it hard to swallow. So they would have to take out the cysts and half of my thyroid (which kinda worries me) That means ANOTHER surgery. And anyone who knows me - knows don't do well with that.
Well anyway I'm home for the time being until I get things figured out. Already missing my husband and Minnesota. Minnesota is just beautiful and fun, and there are just so many things to do. I'm sad I'm gone. I'm missing the billions of huge, green trees, the baby rabbits, the city, the turtles, the walks, wildflowers, lakes, gardens, beaches, Mall of America, and the best restaurants. Hopefully we can go back one day.
(I'll add some pics as soon as I can)
Friday, June 24, 2011
Elder Hancock
Has been called to serve in the Carlsbad, California mission! He leaves September 28th. I am so happy for him. My sister gets home Oct 20th so they will just miss each other - and not see each other for 3 and a half years! Pretty crazy. But congrats buddy! We love you!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Well since I never wrote about our trip to Cali over spring break I decided to do it now before I forget. Kylan and I went to California with our friends Brian and Lindsey. See Brian and kylan had a little bromance going on for a while where they liked to do everything together, and I love Lindsey so it just worked out great. We were staying just 2 blocks away from Disneyland, so I convinced everyone that we should go there. Even with my bum foot, I was at the head of the pack. Kylan says that the only time I walk fast is at Disneyland and the mall (which is probably true). We also went shopping and to many many beaches.
Well one night we decided to do something random and go to Medieval Times. It was mainly the boys idea. When we got there, Lindsey and I were loving it and well - the boys weren't. I thought it was hilarious. We wore crowns, ate with our hands, and I even got a rose thrown to me! Then all of a sudden I was coughing, couldn't breath, and my voice became really deep. I knew I was having an allergic reaction but I didn't want to leave! I was having so much fun. So for a while i didn't say anything. I assumed it was from the horses, but it was the worst allergic reaction I have ever had. I was getting a little frightened because I knew that my throat could close off and I wouldn't be able to breathe. So after the show we ran to the Walgreen's and asked the pharmacist what I should take. She told me to take a double dose of some allergy medicine but if it doesn't help fast, I needed to go to the ER because I could die. (I swear I have the most messed up body) Luckily, after I took the medicine I passed out at like 9 and was fine the rest of the night.
I am in love with Eden Prairie. It is absolutely beautiful here, I need to take some pics to show everyone. There is this 2.5 mile pathway right next to our apartment that goes all around a lake, its wonderful. The days go by really fast but I am super excited to get home. I have been here for 9 weeks, and only 10 more weeks to go! I will miss Minnesota.
Last Sunday we were able to go to Bryant Lake with all of our husbands. It is this beautiful warm sand bottomed lake. It was heaven. Then later that night we were dropping off kylan's tech at a house. While we were slowly pulling away, all of a sudden we hear a voice yelling something through my rolled-down window. I looked back and saw this teenage, African American boy chasing after our car, and then yells to me: "I'M GOING TO RAPE YOU!" Alright?? I was pretty scared at first but seriously, who would do that? So it kind of makes me laugh when I think about it. We also went to Como zoo, this free zoo in st. Paul, and they had these Japanese gardens that were amazing! I never wanted to leave.
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the girls |
P.S. Sis Hancock gets home this Oct. and I could not be anymore excited! I am so grateful for her and I can't wait to have some more adventures when she gets back.
Friday, May 13, 2011
I saw this the other day and i thought it was so funny! But you have to put your finger on the skittle!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
dear minnesota:
It took a while for us to get to you. You see as we were driving through Nebraska on i80, a blizzard hit. We almost died, and saw a million people crash. Well then we come to a complete stop, on the highway, for they closed it down. We pulled out our blankets and pillows and tried to sleep, but we were so uncomfortable. It was pretty funny at first but, after six hours waiting in the car, we were kinda getting annoyed. Like seriously, where was the national guard at this point? We were starving! So 24 hours later, we were finally arrived to our destination!
We are living in Eden Prairie, just outside of Minneapolis. It was rated by money magazine to be the number one best place to live in 2010. And Minneapolis was rated number 4 best place to live in the summer! I love it here everything you need is just a minute away. It's been pretty cold here so we haven't seen much. (Besides the mall of America which took me three hours just to see the bottom floor.) Kylan has been real busy. He goes to the office at 9 a.m and comes home at 12:30 p.m. so I barely see him. Our apartment is indoors like a hotel, and we have a lot of Indian people in our complex who will just leave there shoes outside in the hallway (which is think is so weird because someone could easily steal them) and everyday we get a new smell from curry to garlic. I also found out that you can't idle outside of walmart here (which everyone does in Utah and I have no problem with it) they will write down your licence number and get mad at you.
Everyone talks a little funky here, but i love it. They say "beg" instead of "bag". The first time I heard, "Do you want the receipt with you or in the beg?" I was like, what the crap is she asking me? They always "bean" instead of "been", and "fer" instead of "for". Its great. They also have a million road/highways everywhere! they have exits off the right then the left, then it splits into three different roads. I get pretty scared driving, but everyone seems to drive pretty slow here so I'll be okay.
Our first Sunday here was wonderful. The ward is amazing! The people here are so nice. Our ward is in Minneapolis and right after sacrament, EVERYONE came up to us and introduced themselves, got our numbers, told us about things to do here, etc. The funny thing was that there were so many people talking to us that we didn't even get to go to the rest of church because they were talking to us the whole time! Easter Sunday was so fun! I had hid candy all over the apartment (i have too much fun) for kylan to find and I video taped it all.
Well good news: I am graduated and It feels so good to be done! I absolutely love graphic design so stinking much. For those of you that don't know, i transferred to BATC to finish my major there, and it was the best decision i ever made. Instead of taking 3 more years to finish plus putting in 40 hours a week, it took me 7 months for 30 hours a week! I was the fastest one to ever go through the program! I learned so much and I'm so happy about it.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Music Monday
Okay, so I'm a slacker. Well I missed last week since we were in cali, and I'm posting this week a little late. (I'll post about cali soon enough) and p.s. we move in a month!!! So crazy.
Here are Brandi Carlile and Ray LaMontagne who are both super great.
Here are Brandi Carlile and Ray LaMontagne who are both super great.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Things I want to accomplish:
Watch/read the news daily
Work on some type of graphic design/photography daily
Go to the temple once a month
Keep working on gaining knowledge, even after I graduate in 3 weeks
Become an expert on healthy/organic cooking
Be on a episode of CSI
Travel to Asia, South America, and Europe
Tell everyone how much I love/are grateful for them every chance I get
Love my career
Go to some pretty sweet concerts
Have babies (not for a while) and be the best mommy ever
Keep a journal
Go to the gym at least 4 times a week
Service.. Lots of it
Learn to sew
Overcome my sharp-object-fear, fish-fear, and my when-i-see-gathered-circles-or-patterns-i-get-sick-and-pass-out-fear
That's all i can think of right now but whoo! I have been on a roll lately!
Well, we are leaving for Vegas on Sunday, and then we are heading to Anaheim on Monday for four nights, then back to mesquite to stay with my family! We are going with our friends Brian and Lindsey Nelson, so it should be a fun trip! We are going to Disneyland and I'm so stinking excited. I finally convinced my husband to go. I just hope my poor, little, gimpy foot can handle all the walking we're going to be doing!
Also, We are moving in 40 days! It's so insane, I'm super excited just to be living somewhere else for a while. But on a downside my husband will be gone ALL DAY, like literally, he will be getting home probably at midnight every night. So my summer with consist of: laying out, shopping, playing games, photography, the girls, working out, arts&crafts, graphic design, and what ever else will tickle my fancy! I have such a rough life.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Music Monday
I got inspired by my lovely friend Alex for this post. Music is one of my passions, but since I have gotten married, it is something I have seemed to forget. So I decided that I should do a little something for myself, and every Monday I will post a song that I am diggin at that moment. (Hopefully I can keep it up)
So here we go;
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals: Tiny Light
I love all of her music she is one of my favorites at the moment. She sounds just like singer from the 70's, someone my dad would definitely love.
Adele: Rolling In The Deep
Her new cd 21 is amazing, love this song and video.
So here we go;
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals: Tiny Light
I love all of her music she is one of my favorites at the moment. She sounds just like singer from the 70's, someone my dad would definitely love.
Adele: Rolling In The Deep
Her new cd 21 is amazing, love this song and video.
this goes out to everyone who thought i was crazy.
It started when I was twelve.
I was running around barefoot on a cold night, and my feet suddenly swelled up and started itching. I would go snowboarding, and it would leave red, itchy, hives all over my body including my face! Holding anything cold would make my fingers swell up huge and itch. Eating ice cream would make my mouth itch, throat swell, cause me to cough, and sometimes my lips would swell.
Well we went to the doctor about it and he told me that I was probably allergic to the cold.
So growing up when I would tell people that I'm allergic to the cold, no one would ever believe me!
Well here is now the proof:
It was terrible when I was little, but all that happens now is that my throat will swell up still, I will cough when I eat something cold, and sometimes my hands will itch!
I was running around barefoot on a cold night, and my feet suddenly swelled up and started itching. I would go snowboarding, and it would leave red, itchy, hives all over my body including my face! Holding anything cold would make my fingers swell up huge and itch. Eating ice cream would make my mouth itch, throat swell, cause me to cough, and sometimes my lips would swell.
Well we went to the doctor about it and he told me that I was probably allergic to the cold.
So growing up when I would tell people that I'm allergic to the cold, no one would ever believe me!
Well here is now the proof:
It was terrible when I was little, but all that happens now is that my throat will swell up still, I will cough when I eat something cold, and sometimes my hands will itch!
Monday, January 24, 2011
My husband tells me I need to make him more meat, at least once a day. I disagree.
I think 3-4 times a week is about right.
Wanna know why?
Hanna the hoarder is the reason.
Such a cruel, awful women.
I hope she does major jail time.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Well Monday we found out that we will be moving to Minnesota this April till Sept!!!! Even though I am going to miss my family and friends very much, I am super excited to live out of Utah for the summer!
Dec. 17 2010
I sat there content in my warm socks, hospital gown and tarp-like shorts. Then, all of a sudden, the nurse pulled out 2 needles. That's when I started to really freak out. See this is my husbands fault. Earlier that morning, he told me that they aren't going to give me an IV. I thought for sure that this surgery was going to be all rainbows and roses. I started nervously rambling off and I think I intimidated this nurse just a tad. This is about when I felt this horrible pain. I thought for sure something was wrong. Everything was going black and I couldn't hear. My body ceased up and next thing I remember is smelling alcohol swaps three different times. When I finally came to I still felt the same pain and my arms were frozen. My nurse, Wendy, went and grabbed another women to check on me. The women grabbed my arm, said everything was good, and walked out. I thought I had wet the bed because I was sweating so badly. Then Wendy told me that I had a "vagal response".
See- when I was a tot and would fall and scratch my knee, I would pass out. Normal right? This happened on many occasions growing up so my mother really started to worry. She took me to the doctor and explained what was going on. He told to her that everything was fine, and that is just how my body deals with pain. So you would think that in this moment, hyperventilating and sitting in soaked sheets, I would be called dramatic- or unbelievable right?
Well there was a reason here. My dear, dear Wendy stuck the IV through my vein, right into my TISSUE. Oh and remember all that lovely fluid that was supposed to be hydrating my body? Was pumping into my tissue- making my poor arm look like Popeyes'. No wonder why I had this crazy reaction! Luckily, my body would eventually absorb this foreign fluid.
The anesthesiologist was the amazing man who found this fault about 20 minutes later. The next 20 minutes consisted of my vein "blowing up" and a group of doctors/nurses singing Christmas songs to me. I was told that this was the first time they had sang to someone over the age of four. I was pretty famous in the hospital that day. Everyone seemed to know that a bunch of doctors were singing to a 20 year old girl.
I sat there content in my warm socks, hospital gown and tarp-like shorts. Then, all of a sudden, the nurse pulled out 2 needles. That's when I started to really freak out. See this is my husbands fault. Earlier that morning, he told me that they aren't going to give me an IV. I thought for sure that this surgery was going to be all rainbows and roses. I started nervously rambling off and I think I intimidated this nurse just a tad. This is about when I felt this horrible pain. I thought for sure something was wrong. Everything was going black and I couldn't hear. My body ceased up and next thing I remember is smelling alcohol swaps three different times. When I finally came to I still felt the same pain and my arms were frozen. My nurse, Wendy, went and grabbed another women to check on me. The women grabbed my arm, said everything was good, and walked out. I thought I had wet the bed because I was sweating so badly. Then Wendy told me that I had a "vagal response".
See- when I was a tot and would fall and scratch my knee, I would pass out. Normal right? This happened on many occasions growing up so my mother really started to worry. She took me to the doctor and explained what was going on. He told to her that everything was fine, and that is just how my body deals with pain. So you would think that in this moment, hyperventilating and sitting in soaked sheets, I would be called dramatic- or unbelievable right?
Well there was a reason here. My dear, dear Wendy stuck the IV through my vein, right into my TISSUE. Oh and remember all that lovely fluid that was supposed to be hydrating my body? Was pumping into my tissue- making my poor arm look like Popeyes'. No wonder why I had this crazy reaction! Luckily, my body would eventually absorb this foreign fluid.
The anesthesiologist was the amazing man who found this fault about 20 minutes later. The next 20 minutes consisted of my vein "blowing up" and a group of doctors/nurses singing Christmas songs to me. I was told that this was the first time they had sang to someone over the age of four. I was pretty famous in the hospital that day. Everyone seemed to know that a bunch of doctors were singing to a 20 year old girl.
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