Tuesday, December 7, 2010
X-mas E-card.
Can I just tell you how much I am loving Photoshop CS5? Since I didn't mail any x-mas cards out I decided to make my own e-card! It was so fun! Kylan and I finally decorated our tree last night. At first it looked like this flimsy, Charlie Brown tree and now it looks super pretty! Christmas is such a fun time of the year especially with my husband! He pointed out that I really don't know ONE Christmas song, I have made up words for all of them! The funny thing is I never realized that I wasn't singing the right words. Well anyway Happy Holidays!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Oh the weird things that happen to us.
Kylan and I are the weirdest people when we are sleeping. We tend to sleep talk back and forth to each other. It's always pretty funny but we always wake up in the morning asking the other what happened last night. Growing up I never had these things happen to me... or that I remember. Since I've been married I have been sleep-talking and walking and sometimes I absolutely freak out. I'll just tell you a few little things I have said to Kylan:
"Did you get fat free?" and "Mom did you check the soup?"
Other times I wake up and think I see people, flies, are giant spiders in my room.
I'll scream, jump, or yell "Who is that!" Then fall back asleep.
Then weirdest of all. I went to bed before Kylan one night and I thought I was still alone while I was sleeping. For some reason I stood right up out of bed, ran and turned on the light, ran to my closet, grabbed some mix-match pajamas, turned around and saw kylan in bed staring at me. I screamed, jumped, and said and asked him when he got there. Then I ran back in bed and fell fast asleep. I woke up in the morning with half of my pajamas on and some next to me.
Kylan and I are the biggest babies when it comes to scary movies. But around Halloween time I always crave them for some reason. So one night we turned on an old scary movie; Halloween H20. Well we had to shut it off in the first 10 minutes because we were so scared. After these little segments of scary movies, I woke up one night to him whimpering like a dog. So I hugged him and he stopped, but then the next night I woke up to him yelling; "No, no, no!!"
I shook him and asked if he was okay.
Well he says to me in distress, "It's the system, all you need to do is figure out the system."
I asked, "System for what?"
He says, "Halloween.... 3 days.... the panels.... you got to pick a number..... 1 to 75..."
He was talking about installing alarms over a work trip.
Another time he asked, "Did you finish that install?" I didn't say anything back.
He said it louder and I just said, "No.."
Once again he said, "Did you finish?" Over and over I told him no.
In the morning Kylan says, "I think we were arguing in our sleep last night."
The moral of the story is if you wanna have an entertaining night, head over to the Veibells.
On another note, it is confirmed. I am getting surgery on my foot on Dec 17. Pray for me. haha. I cant handle needles or gross things. I started hyperventilating when the Doc was talking to me about the surgery. I just told him, "Make sure I'm so out of it that I will never wake up, I don't what to remember anything, just give me as much drugs as my body will take." On the good side at least I will be able to be more active!
A month ago I had to get a steroid shot in my foot. The Doctor told me that it will be really painful. Great, why in the world would he tell me that!? Well when the doctor left the room to go get the shot ready and I broke down in tears to Kylan. I told him I couldn't do it.
(Just a little background information I hyperventilate, struggle, cry, and pass out for every shot or really gross thing. With out fail. I once had two nurses hold me down. Another time I ran out to my car crying to called my dad to ask them if they really needed to take my blood. Okay, so maybe I'm a little dramatic?)
Well anyways the doctor came back in the room with me crying hard. I told him I changed my mind and not to do it. Kylan held me while I yelled, "Don't do it! Don't do it!" and the Doctor just jammed it in my foot. It was so terrible.
This last time my mom came to my appointment with Kylan and I so we could go out to lunch after. While we were leaving the doctors, we went to make the appointment for my surgery. The receptionist looked at my mom and said;
"Okay, if I can just have a parent sign here."
All of us just sat there for a good minute just staring at the paper confused.
Then my mom pointed to me and said, "Oh, she is married."
The receptionist was so embarrassed and said, "Oh I thought it said your birthday was in 1999!"
A nurse laughed and said "Well that's a compliment to you that you still look young!"
Really? That's a compliment to a 20-year old? All the nurses thought it was so funny they were trying to hold back from laughing for 5 minutes.
It's great that I still look young enough to be 11!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
A little update of the past 3 months.
The wedding was beautiful. It was a long day but everything went perfect! The temple was so special and I was so happy to share it with my close friends and family. Our honeymoon didn't work out as planned... ha there were a lot of things that went wrong, lets just say we pretty much drove down to St George to eat and came back. But we will always have that funny memory!
The wedding was beautiful. It was a long day but everything went perfect! The temple was so special and I was so happy to share it with my close friends and family. Our honeymoon didn't work out as planned... ha there were a lot of things that went wrong, lets just say we pretty much drove down to St George to eat and came back. But we will always have that funny memory!
So one weekend we were hanging out with our married friends Brian and Lindsey Nielson, Kylan and Brian got this great idea to go camping. Since it was already dark Lindsey and I were pretty sketched out but we just went along with our husbands. We packed up and left up the canyon. After a while of driving we found a great spot. After we set up the tent, our beds, and got a fire started we sat around the fire to relax. We forgot to bring food other than candy, so pretty soon we were all hungry. The boys convinced us to leave all of our stuff there, drive all the way back down, go to Walmart and get some hot dogs. Then we drove all the way back. After our hour detour Kylan had set up our sleeping arrangements to have all four of us sleep in the same tent... and in the same sleeping bag. Two newlywed couples sharing a sleeping bag. It was pretty funny, we felt like sardines in a can. Great way to break the ice!
Well I found out I have to get surgery on my foot in December. For those of you who didn't hear, I broke my foot a year ago doing a handstand, in my room, by myself, taking a timed test online. Pretty embarrassing huh?
I ended up shattered my 4th metatarsal and broke it up higher also. Unfortunately I had to go to school on crutches, and on lortab. Well the first day back to school I sat in the Hub telling groups of people all the stories of my childhood. Pretty soon I realized I didn't go to class at all, I just sat in the Hub for 4-5 hours.
The next week I had random people approach me saying, "Oh you're that girl who was telling all those crazy stories in the Hub!". Lovely. Not only did I embarrass myself then, but I rented a electric scooter to get around on campus. I ended up wrecking it in front of everyone, and cutting my head open.
So this is what Kylan get to look forward to when I do get surgery.
Can I just tell you I am so happy I married a Ute fan? I think if I had married a BYU fan that would be the 1st reason of divorce. haha. It is so fun to look forward to all the games. I was raised as a ute fan and went to all the games ever since I was little. I get pretty into football... I didn't really realize that until I got married. Kylan loves watching football so it is perfect. One day kylan had some friends over and I came in the room and said "Is it okay if I turn on the game?". All of his friends were shocked. We got to go to the Ute vs Pitt game a week after we were married and it was so much fun. We were in the middle of the Pitt section so it was kinda scary and the end Kylan told me to run out of there because the Pitt fans were getting a little angry.
A couple weeks ago APX had a back-end party and NitroCircus came and put on a big show. It was a lot of fun hanging out with the whole crew from the summer. This next summer Kylan will be a tech manager so it will be really nice for him. He has been recruiting and installing like crazy! I am pretty excited to see where we will be going and who we will be going with in January!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
From 118 to 8.
8 days... 8 days... 8 days.....
I am so so so excited to spend the rest of my life with Kylan, in 8 days! Wow he comes home this Sunday, and we'll be married next Thursday! I can not even believe it. It has been a stressful, hard 4 months. We have had some challenges, but I am thankful for all of them. It is what makes us better people, if we can just take what we learn and help each other out. No matter what, Heavenly Father would never give us something that we can not handle. I'm sure everyone has had those those moments of "why me?". But there is a bigger picture but it is hard for us to see this sometimes because God's knowledge surpasses ours. He knows all things.
I am so excited to go through the temple, and get sealed to such a caring, loving person!
So I was blessed with getting a job today (ICON), since I'm getting married so soon they had me fill out some of the paper work with my new last name. I thought I had practiced it enough, but I totally messed it up! I had to look at how to spell it, (I know how to spell it, I was just under pressure) it was really funny! It is so weird signing a different last name.
I am so grateful for the wonderful family I have; my mother just called me today saying I just love you, you make me happy. My mom is the sweetest lady ever. I want to be one of those people who can make any ones day. I am so grateful for my sweet siblings; I had a bridal shower the other day and Kylee and Shay saved up their own money to buy me a lufa and a bar of soap, they were so happy and proud when I opened it that their faces glowed! And my sister Rachelle's emails inspire me and she is such a great example to me! I am so thankful for my wonderful friends who have been there for everything! I am thankful for Kylan for being so positive and for helping me out when I am being negative. Kylan is such a great person I just want everyone to get to know him, because I know everyone would love him. I am grateful for my soon to be new fam or the "in-laws" because I would be homeless with out them right now, they are such nice, fun people! I love my brother and sister in-laws and the opportunity I got to get to know a lot of them this summer! My heart is just so full I had to spill it out. (I sound like some cheesy old lady bearing her testimony) with that and this novel I'll end now.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Rains came down.. and the floods came up.
I have always had this strange fantasy ever since I was a child;
to be in a flood.
I remember one time when it was raining really hard, putting on my favorite jumper and swimming in the gutter. Yes, the gutter. I couldn't move much but I had always fantasized about swimming in a real flood, even to this day. Well I should say until I was actually in one.
Kylan and I went to run some errands right as Kylan got a job, so I decided to go with him on his job. When we went outside it looked like a waterfall was coming off of our roof because it was raining so hard. I had never seen anything like it. So we ran to the car and started driving, we went out to Pennsylvania avenue and it was pure chaos. there was so much water in the streets it was up to our hood. It seemed as it was leaking into the car. I could take a raft down the street! We looked about 30 feet ahead of us and cars had their hazard lights on because they had been flooded and stalled. We decided to turn around and take a different street. But there was no way we could make it anywhere! The water was higher than the curbs spilling everywhere, parks look like lakes, and houses were flooded, canals were overflowing on to the streets. I was so excited and wanted to stay in it, but kylan was getting a little nervous. So after a little bit there was no way we could make it to his job so we turned around and went back to home. When we got there we turned on the news and watched mother nature take its course. There had even been a couple people who where swept away and died! Anyway scary stuff!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Good ole' OKC

After a while of sitting in silence I turned to fellow passengers as the lady next to me jokingly says; "Now they have to blow-dry the ice of the side of the plane". The man behind her chuckles and says; "They have no one to push us out, I'll go out there and push". That then started a whole lot of mummers for we had now been sitting there for 30 minutes. Then the pilot comes on overhead "Um I guess we are switching planes, I don't know why, I just found out."
Everyone was very frustrated as they told us our plane was at the original gate. We walked from 42 to 58. There a man on a megaphone informed us that they didn't have fuel in the plane, they were working on a wheel, they have to move our luggage over to this plane, find a new crew, and since they already took our tickets; they were going to check us on row by row.
After another hour of waiting I boarded the plane. I never thought I could bond with the most random diverse group of strangers like I did. I felt like it was Oceanic flight 815. I landed in okc at 2pm, and walked as fast as I could over to baggage clam because that's where Kylan was waiting for me and I hadn't seen him in 5 weeks! I saw him standing there with a bouquet of flowers. I gave him the biggest grin, I could not stop smiling. We stood there hugging for it seemed like 10 minutes. My whole plane walking by us and admiring and commenting
I got lucky and got to stay in the office empty bedroom for free. The first day here I went on a job with Kylan. I was very tired and had to wait in the car so I was thinking I'll just sleep. It was 95 degree weather and I was wearing jeans. They car was turned off as I fell asleep. About a half and hour into it I woke up in a dead sweat. I was roasting! I quickly turned on the car and I thought I was going to die.
It sure gave me appreciation for Kylan and his dedication and devotion to support me and our future family. I got a bite of what he goes through everyday. He is a strong, motivated person I will always look up to. He has the biggest ambition and has a great out-look on life. We have had some good times out here, and some rough, but life is a learning experience. We take what works, leave what doesn't. I am so grateful for Kylan, he is the love of my life.
Friday, May 21, 2010
The separation.
On May 9, I left for the summer to Wichita Kansas. So far, it has been a really tough separation since we are both use to spending our entire day together. It has been great though, we have discovered many things about one another, and yes, there have been the occassional disagreements (she is always right). Dana has been keeping busy working at APX Alarm in the Data Entry Department, making crafts, playing with her little sisters, and helping her Mom around the house. As for myself, its the same thing day in and day out, installing alarms. I love my job but I miss Dana more and more each day we are apart. It is true you always appreciate the things in life you can't have. In my case, I cant see Dana. I love her and miss her and can't wait to start our life together...
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
How it all started.

This last school year I got a job at Sports Authority. One slow, late night in January I was working and Kylan walked into the store. He asked me if we had any sweat bands, so I decided to show him where they were because I thought he was pretty cute. I asked him if he was going to the university dance, he told me yes and tried convincing me to go so we could dance. I secretly wanted to go to find him but none of my friends were going and I was so tired from work so I never ended up going. Little did I know that Kylan went home after that encounter and told his roommates that "he found the girl he was going to marry". I was the 'sports authority girl' according to his roommates. He would drive by sports authority to see if I was working just so he could get my number, but I was never working when he did.
A month past by and we hadn't seen each other. Then my roommates through a birthday for me and mine and Kylans mutual friend Trevor came. Kylan has been friends with Trevor since they were kids. He told me, "Dana we need to talk" I was like oh no... what is this. He sat me down and told me he has a friend who had been talking about me and wanted to take me out. I asked who? After he told me it was Kylan I was pretty excited because he seemed like a fun, cute kid, and Trevor told me "he was the best guy he knows." So I told Trevor make sure you tell Kylan I want to go on a date with him.
A day or two passed, and I got a text saying hey Dana I was wondering if you could take my shift this weekend. I asked who it was and he told me; this is eddy I work in the back. I text him back and told him that I was pretty sure I didn't work with him and he must have the wrong person. He told me that he works in the back so that's why I never saw him. I had worked there for five months and I still questioned, so I called my work and asked if an "eddy" works there. Of coarse there was no "eddy" and I eventually found out it was Kylan messing with me. Ever since then we have been inseperable. We got engaged on the April 30th. It happened really fast but I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Kylan and I are perfect for each other!
A month past by and we hadn't seen each other. Then my roommates through a birthday for me and mine and Kylans mutual friend Trevor came. Kylan has been friends with Trevor since they were kids. He told me, "Dana we need to talk" I was like oh no... what is this. He sat me down and told me he has a friend who had been talking about me and wanted to take me out. I asked who? After he told me it was Kylan I was pretty excited because he seemed like a fun, cute kid, and Trevor told me "he was the best guy he knows." So I told Trevor make sure you tell Kylan I want to go on a date with him.
A day or two passed, and I got a text saying hey Dana I was wondering if you could take my shift this weekend. I asked who it was and he told me; this is eddy I work in the back. I text him back and told him that I was pretty sure I didn't work with him and he must have the wrong person. He told me that he works in the back so that's why I never saw him. I had worked there for five months and I still questioned, so I called my work and asked if an "eddy" works there. Of coarse there was no "eddy" and I eventually found out it was Kylan messing with me. Ever since then we have been inseperable. We got engaged on the April 30th. It happened really fast but I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Kylan and I are perfect for each other!
A new beginning.
A little bit about us..
{Kylan} is twenty-three years old, grew up in beautiful Collingston/Petersboro... (lets just say 15 minutes West of Logan) It's pretty much out in the county and I think he has a cute little country accent, but he never will admit it. He comes from a wonderful family of 10 that I am so lucky to be a part of. They are all married but his youngest sister, and he has a bunch of nieces and nephews so family dinners get a little crazy. He is majoring in Operations Management, and will graduate in 2 years. Kylan is the one of the smartest people I know, he likes to have a fun time, and he is very sweet and thoughtful.
As for {me}; I am twenty years old, grew up in Highand, and I come from a wonderful family of seven. I'll be the first to get married so I'm pretty sure my parents are freaking just a bit. I am majoring in Art with an emphasis in Graphic Design and I am very excited to get into the program. I love life and cannot wait to marry that boy!
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